Icom 7610
KIO Hex Beam 20m / 17m / 15m / 12m / 10m / 6m
DX Commander Signature 12.4 All band HF 80m / 40m / 20m / 17m / 15 / 12m / 10m / 6m
Fan Dipole 40m / 30m
Icom 9700
Diamond X-6000 Triband antenna 2m / 70cm / 23cm
My Older rigs
Icom 7100 and 7300
Long Wire with an Icom AH-04 antenna tuner: 80m / 40m / 30m
KIO Hex Beam 20m / 17m / 15m / 12m / 10m / 6m
First Licensed on the 29th June 2021
I am quite active on hf, digital modes, and SSB, occasionally on 2m and 70cm
I use Ham Radio Deluxe 6
I am a member of the Amateur Radio Experimenters Group in Adelaide and the Wireless Institute of Australia.
My Activities in Amature Radio
29th June 2021: I passed my Foundation License (80m/40m/15m and 10m, 10 Watts only)
October 2021: Remembrance Day Contest, this contest is held every year on the anniversary of the end of WWII, in honor of the Australian amateurs who lost their lives in wartime.
March 2021: John Moyle Field Day contest is for all stations on the HF and VHF bands.
June 2022: Upgraded from Foundation to Advanced License.
June 2022: Obtained my 2-letter suffix callsign VK5MN.
August 2022: Remembrance Day Contest, contested as VK5MN for the first time, I came in 8th place out of 126 in the Single Operator Phone mode.